What Is Mastering?

The purpose of mastering is to balance the sonic elements of a stereo mix and optimize playback across all systems and media formats.

Mastering is the final stage of audio production. It is a process of quality control, ensuring that the sonic elements of a mix are well balanced, and preparing the song for commercial loudness.

The goal of mastering is to create a cohesive, polished sound that is appropriate for the intended medium and audience. This can include preparing the audio for CD, vinyl, streaming, or other formats.

Mastering engineers use specialized equipment and software to carry out the process, which typically involves listening to the audio critically and making adjustments using EQ, compression, and limiting to achieve the desired sound.

Our goal at AM Mastering is to make your record (your mix) sound the best it can be. The goal of mastering isn’t to change the sound but rather to compliment what is already there and present it in the best possible way; to put the icing on the cake, so to speak.

Our core mastering values are as follows:

  1. Respect the artist/producer’s vision.
  2. Deliver what sounds best, not simply what sounds loudest.
  3. Provide a master that translates well across all audio mediums.
  4. Produce a master that measures up to other popular releases in the genre.